How to bully proof your
young child

3 innovative strategies to raise kind,
confident and peaceful children

watch this video

This program is right for you if you’re

  • Never quite sure how to walk that line between raising a self-assured, loving, open child, and one who is naïve, insecure, and vulnerable to outside influences
  • Serious about getting on a clear path, with guidelines and principles….and feel empowered along the way
  • Deep down, you know there is something more, something "bigger" than just parenting techniques or strategies...but you aren’t quite sure how to find it
Erika Elmuts

I’m Erika Elmuts, founder of I help moms and dads parent consciously so that they can have the peace of mind knowing they are doing the right things, to support their child’s journey, to discovering, and living, their authentic selves.

Nowadays, we are facing as a society an unprecedented time in our history. Peer pressure. Bullying. Drugs. Sex. Alcohol. Suicide. Violence. Children are being influenced by so many things, many of which parents aren’t even aware of. Television, video games, texting, the Internet.

Knowing what is going on with your children, keeping them safe, and teaching them values and making good decisions is even more vitally important than ever before, and increasingly complex. Parents are facing threats everywhere they turn.

And even more troublesome, is many of us are spending less and less time with out children than in generations past. Financial pressures are forcing both parents to work to make ends meet.

As a result, we need even more to know where we are going as parents – and that we are giving our children the best chance to thrive in spite of these things.

So here’s the problem...

How do we know what we are doing is working? How do we know that how we parent our child, is going to set them up for the best-case scenario?

While we all know we make mistakes, how do we at least know we are giving our children the best chance for success?

How do we know that we aren’t passing on our “baggage” to our children?

How do we really know that they will make good decisions when they are older?

How do we know what goes on when we aren’t around? Can we trust that our children will turn to us when they need help?

So what do we do?

You talk to other parents. You read parenting books. You scour the Internet for articles on the issues you are facing. You even take parenting classes. Yet you still feel like something is missing.

Why parenting classes and books alone are not enough

We can take all the classes and read all the books we want. We can talk to more parents than we have time for. And it still isn’t enough.

Why? Because families are living, breathing entities in themselves, and there are forces at work in the family dynamic that go beyond the parenting techniques, strategies, and the individual personalities.

Even with the best parenting tips and ideas, it’s often a “throw it on the wall and see what sticks” approach. Finding those tools is good, but what if you want GREAT?

What we’ve been doing has not been working, and it’s only getting worse.

Something drastic, and fundamental, needs to happen to help our children and the time is now.

There is lots of information out there on how to deal with the problem of bullying and peer pressure WHEN IT’S ALREADY HAPPENING, but to me, that is insufficient.

My approach takes this important issue on at a root level - PREVENTING IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

About Me

Having spent my early professional career in brand strategy, working with some of the biggest names in the consumer technology arena (Microsoft, Intuit, Gateway, Apple, and many more), about ten years ago I made a major career change, to pursue my true passion in naturopathic health. Some thought I had lost my mind to give up the “professional, safe” route, but I knew I was meant to do more meaningful and personal work.

I’m trained in clinical nutrition, biofeedback, essential oils, homeopathy, vibrational medicine, herbs, kinesiology, flower essences, color therapy, and energy psychology. I have a B.A. from Harvard and an M.B.A. from Babson College.

After opening my naturopathic practice in early 2007, it became clear that so many of people’s health issues stemmed from emotional root causes. Addressing a health concern included far more than just the physical, it encompassed the emotional (and often spiritual) aspects of that person’s life experience. It was impossible to overlook that connection.

At a core level my clients (some consciously, others unconsciously) knew that as well.

Naturally, as a mother as well, I began feeling a strong pull...

What if we can raise children consciously so that we can prevent having to undo so much later on in life?

What if we are able to minimize the impact of our unconscious parenting approaches and lessen the unnecessary “damage” we can unknowingly do to our children as we raise them?

And the answer is, we absolutely CAN.

Out of that practice was born, which my heart knew before my head, was my calling…. to help parents raise children with a “leg up” in terms of being authentically who they are, navigating through life with the foundational approach of being open, eager, loving, and connected.

Raising them with that strong, supportive, loving, spiritual foundation which will allow them to soar and live their lives as they intend, with grace and enthusiasm.

Doing our very best to minimize the repeating of family patterns, challenges, issues, so that the majority of their adult lives can be spent living in the now, and not digging through and healing the past.

Through my private practice, teaching seminars, speaking engagements, television appearances, I devote my time to helping teach parents to do just that, through

I founded because I am passionate about supporting parents on the journey of raising physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy children.

I’ve been honored to have been featured on more than a dozen television segments about conscious parenting, including an appearance on The Ricki Lake Show.


Not only am I teaching this material, but I’m also living it and applying it myself on a daily basis. And in that process, I can’t help but continue to learn as I go, so this program evolves as well.

How this program came to be

I knew I wanted to offer myself, and my knowledge to parents, and because of my diverse set of skill sets, I put on my marketing hat and asked parents how I could best serve them.

So I asked them.

I asked parents “What is the one thing that you struggle with the most as a parent? What’s the one thing that concerns you the most?"

Unanimously, I heard the same thing.

"How do I protect my children from bullies (or give them the skills necessary to face a bully)?
How do I prevent them from falling victim to peer pressure?"

"How to raise a strong and confident child who doesn't give in to society pressure and peer pressure."

Because of my professional experience in naturopathic healing modalities, I instantly knew I had an answer.

Naturopathic principles of healing focus on identifying the UNDERLYING ROOT CAUSES of disease and illness, and then focus attention on addressing those causes.

In the end, the outward symptoms go away because you are foundationally healing the problem. And not just masking symptoms. If you were to apply a drug to a symptom, the symptom may go away, but the reason for the symptom in the first place has not gone away.

It’s like if you were to take a stream of water running out of a faucet. If the water is rushing in a river into the living room, you can block the water with a towel, or a barrier, but eventually the water will find another path. While the living room looks dry, it’s only a matter of time until something else gets flooded. Unless you turn off the faucet, you’ll be constantly playing “catch up” because the water is still flowing.

As this was my mindset, naturally I had the same approach to the bullying and peer pressure problem.

My approach is like turning off the faucet.

Why listen to me?

Ultimately, because it resonates with you. And deep down in your gut, you feel this is different.

I’ve taken over 20 years worth of professional and personal experience and knowledge, from the fields of conscious parenting, natural and holistic healing, personal growth, neurobiology, epigenetics, consciousness, spirituality, laws of the universe – and extracted parts of all of them and put it all in one place.

I dare say that have a one of a kind, multifaceted approach which is the direct result of my life experiences from ranging from my professional work, to my parenting, to my personal spiritual path.

  • I’ve been both the patient, and the health practitioner.
  • I’ve been the student, and now am the teacher.
  • I have been the child, and now I’m the parent.

I’m also the eternal student, eager to learn about things that fascinate me. This program itself continues to evolve on a daily basis, with new learnings, ideas, research, and more.

My approach is based on knowledge, experiences, and many disciplines, and I draw upon all of them in my program. That is why there’s nothing else out there quite like this.

While I don’t claim to be an “expert,” my approach is really resonating with parents.

Parents who have known they have been seeking a path, but not knowing where to turn.

Parents ready to go to the next level, who at a core level, understand what I’m aiming for.

They want the same things for our children, and our society. They are willing to take personal responsibility to do their part in helping shift the tide.

Are you struggling with any of these issues? The Cultivating Conscious Children program can help:

  • You wonder if the parenting choices you are making now are the right ones in the long run
  • Your spouse and you are on different pages on how to handle these things, but are in a stalemate not knowing how to move forward
  • Feeling that the older your children get, the less they listen to you
  • Find yourself getting more and more reactive because you are tired of not knowing what to do, and having the same problems with your children come up over and over again.
  • Feel as though your child is pulling away from you and that you’ve lost your influence with them
  • Find yourself doing the things your parents did, only because you don’t know what else to do
  • Find yourself giving up when problems come up because it’s “easier” but then realize later you are making the problem worse?
  • You find yourself parenting inconsistently
  • Never quite sure how to walk that line between raising a self-assured, loving, open child, and one who is naïve, insecure, and vulnerable to outside influences

In Cultivating Conscious Children Program (4 1/2 hrs. of downloadable audio delivered immediately) you’ll learn:

  • Why other strategies to address peer pressure and bullying are not sufficient.
  • How to parent consciously, which means understanding yourself at a fundamental level
  • How to recognize when you are triggered by your unconscious patterns
  • How to parent while being responsive, rather than being reactive
  • How to know when it is time to step in and establish the boundary, and when it’s time to let go of our need to control
  • How to create a strong, authentic, connection with your child
  • Why starting young is so critically important, and specific strategies and how tos you can use even with newborns and infants.
  • How to help nurture your child’s brain development, to form pathways to encourage a strong sense of self empathy and compassion to others
  • How to raise your child so they won’t seek validation or attention from outside influences when they are older
  • How to teach your child these very same skills about self-awareness, in a way they will "get."
  • Some specific exercises you can do with your children
  • Strategies to guide your child through the process of growing up and learning to trust themselves.

And what can happen when you apply this approach?

  • You heal yourself, and you strengthen you relationship with your little ones.
  • You’ll know what signs to look for to see if you’re veering off track.
  • You’ll be so in tune to yourself, and your children, that you’ll develop a keen sensitivity to know well in advance what is coming, which prevents escalating.

Here’s what some people had to say about Erika’s program:

"Having personally studied and taken many parenting courses, I can say that Erika’s program is unlike anything I’ve ever encountered. Her diverse skill set, personality, and insights have come together into a category of their own. Far more than a parenting expert, Erika combines everything into a relatable, empowering, unique approach that truly combines the elements of physical, emotional, and spiritual health. She truly understands how all 3 blend together to create our experience. Our children need parents who “get” it – and Erika has created an approach to help them do just that. It’s one of the most empowering programs I’ve ever found. I’ve learned new ways of connecting with my children as a result, and I believe every parent who is interested in raising the next generation of positive kids should apply her approach."

Stacey Crumrine, founder, Positively Kids

"Raising our next generation of peacemakers is so vitally important, and Erika’s program gives you a tangible approach to doing exactly that. Her in-depth understanding and intuitive ability to get at the heart of the matter is palpable – and relatable. She not only outlines a fundamental parenting approach, but also gives you some specific ways you can incorporate the strategies into your day to day. I highly recommend this program to any parent wanting to feel empowered in their family lives."

Jill McManigal, founder Kids for Peace

"We reached out to Erika when our 7-year old daughter and 4-year old son seemed to be headed in the wrong direction and my wife and I doubted our techniques and were divided on what to do. The last few years had been financially challenging and our stress was clearly taking its toll on our family. Before employing Erika’s techniques, we were reverting to our parents’ methods of reward and punishment, or we would try something else we heard about hoping for different results. Sometimes it worked, but only temporarily…we were inconsistent and felt like we were on a roller coaster. We felt helpless and we were failing as parents…we just didn’t know what to do. Erika’s approach of connecting then modeling is brilliant. Not only have we seen a dramatic change in the kids, but my wife and I feel like we’re back in control and parenting as a unit. We have a once a week meeting with Erika which gives us an opportunity to discuss what worked, what didn’t, and strategize on methods. She is skilled at listening to our issues and redirecting our tactics back to the plan…now there is a consistency in our approach, and it works. When I get frustrated and/or flustered I can literally hear Erika in my head…it gives me a foundation and tools to come up with fresh ideas to resolve the issue no matter what it is. This has proven invaluable. My wife and I have new confidence and feel like things are back in the right direction. Not only is our family dynamic much improved but the uncertainty, and level of stress it creates, has diminished greatly. Simply put, we’re all happier. I wholeheartedly and strongly recommend Erika’s program."

P.G., San Diego, CA

Why this program?

I’ve taught these principles to clients one on one, during consulting relationships, and the material in this audio could take anywhere from 6 months to a year, to cover in our sessions.

Typically, that would cost a family anywhere from $3,600-$6,500.

That’s a substantial amount of time, and money for parents, and being one myself, I realize that many times, parents want to know NOW.

I have a vision of reaching thousands of parents with this approach and information, and I obviously don’t have the time to work one on one with everyone, so what I’ve done I’ve taken those foundational principles that I work with the parents I consult with, and put them into a downloadable audio series, that is FAR more affordable, and accessible.

Over 4 ½ hours of in depth training, from principles, to “how tos’ you can apply starting now –

Only $297!

That’s over a 90% savings from what families I work with typically spend on working with me.

Unlike a seminar where you attend one time, you can listen over and over again, revisit it any time you feel you need a reminder, or some inspiration.

But that’s not all – I have put together a couple of bonuses as well, to help support you in making this program as effective and empowering as possible.

So here’s what you’ll also get as BONUSES:

  • Child assessment (PDF) – a tool to help you get a sense of how vulnerable YOUR child is right NOW, so that you can focus specifically on the areas of the program where you need most to help your child.
  • Parent assessment (PDF) – a tool to help you tune in to the areas of parenting that make a difference for your child. Ideally, you take this prior to the program, and then after, to measure your progress.
  • Access to live monthly Q&A calls to get more in-depth on various aspects of the program, where you can listen live and participate - a community of parents just like you, all interested in the same thing, all working on the same things. (Don't worry, if you can't make the live call, they are all being recorded and will be available to you to listen when it's convenient for you.)
  • An invitation to a our new Google + member community: In this brand new community, you'll get to ask questions, share wins, success stories, challenges, and I'll be right there along with you. Because the implementation, and support is so important after you begin to implement these parenting strategies, when you purchase this program, you'll get to participate with and learn from myself, and other parents working on the same things with their families.

Only $297!

But wait, there’s still more....

I’m sure you will agree that it is a lot of material, and support resources for you, for less than $300.

But I also know how making these types of decisions can be, so I’m going to make this a no-brainer....

Because I am so confident about this information, and how it’s helped families, I am offering you a 30 day money back guarantee.

Your time is valuable to me, to you, and to your children

I know this is an investment for you, I want to take away all the risk.

If you listen to the program, and can tell us with integrity that this program was not the most empowering and uplifting parenting program out there, and we will refund your money on the spot. I will NOT waste your time.

Juggling all that we do as parents, making time for us along with taking care of everyone else. I want you to know that your time is valuable to me and if I don’t deliver on what I’ve promised here, send me an email to and we’ll take care of that for you.

So let’s recap what you get:

  • Cultivating Conscious Children audio (4.5 hrs)
  • Child assessment (PDF)
  • Parent assessment (PDF)
  • Live Q&A calls (live or recorded)
  • Participation in our Google+ community
Total value  
Over $1,200

All for only $297!

Think about it, for less than the price of a smartphone, or two counseling sessions you get the entire Cultivating Conscious Children program, plus all the bonuses.

I look forward to working with you, and getting to know you and your family. If this resonates with you at a core level, click “Add to cart” and I will begin this journey with you now.

Until then, remember to always focus on the good, live from the heart, and love all over your precious little ones.

In abundant gratitude always.

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