In the news

Recent television appearances

Please note: Some of the video links below MAY not be working due to changes at the media partner’s web site.  My apologies on this and we are working to correct any broken links.  

 Killed over Facebook?  The dangers of social media April 3, 2014

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Talking with your children about drugs and alcohol Feb 22, 2014


 The origins of bullying October 14, 2013

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Healthy “fast” food for parents on the go – August 13, 2013

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The importance of grandparents

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Bribing children – why it is counterproductive

Erika discusses a story where a father paid his 14 year old daughter $200 to stay off of Facebook.  For the full story, visit the post.

Erika Elmuts, founder of

Disciplining our children – Ricki Lake show Dec 4, 2012

Erika was a guest on the Ricki Lake show discussing the topic of disciplining our children.

Disciplining your children – Live After Ricki video discussion

After the airing of the discipline episode of the Ricki Lake Show, I was invited to be part of a live streaming discussion about parenting with Dr. Harvey Karp, the author of The Happiest Baby on the Block. Screen shot 2013-11-13 at 3.23.50 PM

Peer pressure and bully-proofing your young child – a revolutionary approach Oct 2012

Fox 5’s Shally Zomorodi learns why current anti-bullying strategies aren’t enough when Erika talks about things parents of young children can do to help prevent the problem in the first place.  For more details, visit the full post.

Disaster preparedness food strategies Nov 2012

In the recent wake of Hurricane Sandy, Erika was interviewed by Mark Bailey on San Diego’s channel 6 news about disaster preparedness food strategies.  For more thoughts on this, visit the full post.

Is plastic surgery the answer to bullying?  August 6, 2012

Heather Myers of San Diego’s channel 6 news interviews Erika about a recent CNN story of a 14 year old girl who was given $40,000 of plastic surgery by a charity because she was being bullied.  For more thoughts on this, visit the full post.

To view video, click the image above.

To view video, click the image above.

How to make your child’s birthday party more meaningful: July 6, 2012

Some interesting ideas of how to add more meaning to your child’s birthday party (and even your own).

Sunscreen myths: July 4, 2012

Speaking on the Fourth of July about sunscreen myths, and how many well intentioned parents might be doing more harm than good. Erika Elmuts

Refreshing (and healthy) summer treats for children – June 11, 2011.

For more detail on the treats discussed, and recipes, see “Refreshing (and healthy) poolside snacks for kids.”


Hidden food ingredients – May 15, 2012

Erika talks about hidden food ingredients and some “need to knows” about reading food labels.  See also “Hidden Food Ingredients”

Attachment Parenting: The Controversial Time Magazine Cover – May 12, 2012

Is the toddler breastfeeding cover good or bad for attachment parenting?   For more details on the items discussed in the interview, see “Is the Time Magazine Cover Good or Bad for Attachment Parenting?”  For my opinion on the actual ARTICLE, see “Enough about the Time Magazine cover photo – what about the actual article?”

Healthy snacks for kids on the go: April 24, 2012

Erika discusses some quick, healthy snack options for kids (and parents).  For more details, see “Nourishing, tasty, healthy AND convenient?

First baby food myth: March 19, 2012

Erika discusses the #1 baby food myth, and what are the best first foods for baby.  See also “First Baby Food Myth”