We all have those moments. Where amongst all the doubt, the uncertainty, and the journey, we get a sign.
We get a sign, that even though we make mistakes, and we aren’t perfect as parents, that perhaps we are doing something right.
Maybe we aren’t as “together” as we thought we’d be as a parent. Maybe we find ourselves under stress and being the worst of ourselves, and then later beat ourselves up about it. Maybe we find ourselves doing the things we swore we’d never do to our children, when our primal brain hijacks our behavior.
It’s only natural to focus on all the areas we feel we are failing or falling short, or not being the conscious, present, centered parent we want to be.
In those moments especially, I invite you to purposefully find examples where things ARE working.
Just this evening, I had such a moment.
Recently, I have had to pull back from ConsciousParents.org, in order to support my family financially. As much as I was 99 yards down the field to the end zone on my plan, which I’d been working on for almost 3 years, I needed to do what I had to do for my family.
I was grateful to find an opportunity that allowed me to continue to work to improve people’s lives, on a grander scale than I was able to do with my own business. I eagerly embraced this chance to offer my business skills on a more global scale, which is still in alignment with my values from which I started ConsciousParents.org.
In that transition, however, my family has undoubtedly been affected. I knew it would, as any transition brings bumps in the road. I have been navigating my way through it, and helping my daughter adjust as well.
It’s been an incredible learning for the two of us, and I know that it is an important life lesson here for not only her, but me as well.
So tonight, after her patiently waiting for me to finish work at a reasonable hour, so that I could make dinner….we were quietly doing a puzzle at the table before retiring to our bedtime routine.
She placed a folded note into my hand….
I opened the note….and found my reminder that I may just be doing something right.
However this happened, I’ll take it.
Whether this is just who she is, or how I’ve helped her learn values that are important to me, or nurtured innate values that are important to her, it ultimately doesn’t truly matter. Yet coming from a paradigm of two separate households, with some understandably differing values as part of that, I was grateful for what I saw.
This wonderful time of year is my favorite, yet the materialism and frenzy of this time of year has dimmed a little of that for me. As a parent, I strive to balance the spirit of the season, with the appreciation of what matters the most.
Perhaps tonight….I caught a glimpse of the magic of the season……
What is your most recent parenting “win?” Please post below….
What a sweet reminder. I love it when our children “teach” us.