Being a conscious parent is not about arriving at a destination…after which you have earned the title “conscious parent.” It’s not a designation to put on your resume, or a symbol of having achieved a certain level of mastery of its principles. It’s about the commitment to the journey – and it can start on day one. You can choose TODAY to be a conscious parent. It means you are committed to the never-ending journey that emphasizes growth, truth, authenticity, and presence. We can all practice these skills and achieve various levels of mastery, however the genuine intention towards the journey is the most important piece that matters. Conscious Parenting is not a checklist of external attributes….it’s about the process. It is not about being a “human being,” but about being a “human becoming.” It is about being authentic, vulnerable, and honest. While there is a full spectrum of what that looks like from the outside, the most important aspect of being a conscious parent is the intention.
I found this online when googling “alternative goody bag” and AMEN! I HATE the goody bag so much. You hit the nail on the head, it’s becoming so much more clutter… and crap! We tend NOT to do the goody bag but rather a home made treat as a thank you. I have to say that the tendency to have a “take away” is so common that once at a party, I had two guests try to take away a marker from my art supply pile because they figured if they were there, they much be part of the “goody bag”.
The best I’ve seen was a coupon to Redbox with some microwave popcorn and a box of candies.