Pink Sherbet Photography / Foter / CC BY Having just been on a recent episode of the Ricki Lake show, where the topic was disciplining your children, when I came across this video, I had to share it with all of you. My primary message about spanking is that parents do it because it “works” […]
Thanksgiving Eve: My gratitude list
Infrogmation of New Orleans / Foter / CC BY-SA Am so excited to celebrate my absolute favorite holiday tomorrow….wishing it was longer than one day – instead of the gateway to the holiday frenzy. Gratitude is the most powerful, incredible, force in life. We should pay attention to it far more often than once a […]
November is Gratitude Month!
woodleywonderworks / Foter / CC BY As I have gotten older, Thanksgiving has surpassed Christmas as my all time favorite holiday. The concept of gratitude, and being thankful, is far more important to me, than all the hustle and bustle and commercialism that seems to have taken over all the other holidays. […]
A mother’s intuition
fabiogis50 / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA One of the skills essential to conscious parenting is learning to tune in to your intuitive guidance system ( or otherwise known as mother’s intuition, your sixth sense, your gut instinct, etc.). And by learning (or should I say honing) that skill, we can better help our children learn […]
“It flies by so fast…..”
h.koppdelaney / Foter Today I experienced extreme sorrow. Unexpectedly. During an acupuncture session, I was overcome with emotion. (No surprise there, as shifting energy in your body often releases stored emotions from your tissues.) Having worked as an energy medicine practitioner for years, this is something I deal with in my clients all the time, […]
A spiritual lesson… from a fly?
Mark span / Foter Einstein knew what he was talking about when he defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Yet how often as parents do we do this? Often, it is because we don’t know what else to try, and if we keep trying, as least […]
Surgery to prevent bullying?
It’s time for a change. This morning, I was interviewed on San Diego’s channel 6 news about a recent CNN story about a 14 year old girl who was awarded a $40,000 plastic surgery by a charity because she was being bullied about her ears. Discussions around the Internet on this topic have offered […]
Random acts of kindness
This, my friends, is conscious parenting at it’s best. Teaching children to be kind, compassionate, and loving. Thinking about others. Sharing this kindness and love with the world. Living what they are learning. Watch the video below….. What things have your children done, that are loving, and compassionate? Have you ever seen them do something […]
Do you know your love language?
You may have heard of the term “love language,” but do you really know what yours is? Your spouse’s? Your child’s? Part of being a conscious parent, is understanding these important differences in our loved ones, AND ourselves. The more we can learn about ourselves, the more we can share that with the people who […]
An experiment in “homework”
Foter Mermaid Girl came home one day about 3 weeks ago all excited to show me her new reading journal (she is in first grade). It was crafted with construction paper, and lined paper, with the days of the week and dotted lines on each page. She had decorated it in fancy drawings, and colors, […]