On Tuesday, I had the wonderful opportunity to be a guest on the Ricki Lake show, where the topic was disciplining your children.
No matter what your stance is on public shaming, or spanking, this episode was a DEFINITE conversation starter.
I had the privilege also of being part of a live video streaming discussion that evening along with Dr. Harvey Karp, author of the The Happiest Baby on the Block (which saved me when my daughter was a newborn).
During the live discussion, there were thousands of people commenting and asking questions, as this topic in particular was very engaging.
U.S. Federal Education Committee Chairman John Kline MN in DAYS, allowing Federal Bill H.R. 3027 “The Ending Corporal Punishment in Schools Act”, Cost $0, to DIE Again, earlier version H.R. 5628 DIED December 2010 after Congressional Subcommittee on Healthy Communities and Families Hearing “Corporal Punishment in Schools and It’s Effect on Acadcemic Success” was held 4/15/2010! Corporal Punishment is Prohibited by Federal Law for use against Felons in ALL U.S. Prisons and already Illegal in Schools in 31 U.S. States, the Majority! See Shocking Brutally Violent Injuries to Schoolchildren K-12 from U.S. Public School Corporal Punishment, Paddling with a wooden board to inflict PAIN Punishment for minor infractions by School Teachers, Coaches and Administrators, Mandatory Child Abuse Reporters, with NO Safety Standards at YouTube Video Trailer for Documentary Movie “The Board of Education” by Jared Abrams. Search “A Violent Education” 2008 Study by Human Rights Watch and ACLU for disturbing facts and see dont hit students dot com
It is never OK to hit a child. School paddling is legalized child abuse and it must stop. Grown men hitting school children with boards is wrong. Thankfully 31 states have banned school paddling but 19 including Texas still allow this child abuse in schools. Tell Gov. Rick Perry to stop it now!