The other day, I went to my DVR as I had a need for some down time.
Recently, I began recording episodes of Dr. Oz, because while I don’t agree with him wholeheartedly on many issues, I believe he is doing a lot of good in getting the discussion started on many “alternative” or holistic therapies. I usually scan the topics and may watch pieces of his shows if it’s something that interests me, or I have a lot of professional knowledge about, to see what he is saying about it.
The other day, he did a show about Fertility over 40.
That’s me! I have to watch this one.
Needless to say, most of the show was focused on the expected fear, and dangers, of fertility over 40. There was debate on whether it’s fair for a woman over 40 to even try, or is it fair for her to use fertility treatments.
Overall, the overall tone of the show was as I thought, focused on the typical “now that you are 40, good luck, your body is deterioriating at an alarming rate and here are all the things that stand in your way of having a healthy pregnancy and baby.”
Bulls***. For some, that may be the case, but it doesn’t have to be true. I’d love to see a show dedicated to the success stories, and stories of inspiration, rather than the stories of pain and anguish.
Less than 3 months ago, I turned 40. My husband and I would like to have a baby. But it is amazing how all of a sudden, now that I have a 4 in front of my age, I am now considered “high risk.”
I don’t buy it. And I am not going to buy into it.
The majority of people struggle with fertility because they are not healthy. They eat processed and GMO foods, lack exercise, take prescription medications, and a whole host of other things that add up to the body not being able to do what it was designed to do.
I eat almost 100% organic foods, exercise, drink pure water, sleep, and take my vitamins. And I have for years. Those general warnings of the effects of aging don’t apply to me. Not because I’m special, but because the majority of people don’t live their lives that way, and so they have another experience.
Equally as important, the power of intention, faith, and your basic law of attraction stuff, is extremely powerful. While there are certainly physical reasons why some people cannot have a baby, a large percentage of fertility complications are energetic in nature, and involve the emotions and spiritual aspects of health.
By continuing to get the message that because we are over 40 years old, that pregnancy and fertility will be a challenge, we continue to perpetuate that reality.
Henry Ford’s famous quote says this perfectly, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you are right.”
One of the reasons that acupuncture is one of the best solutions for fertility challenges. It clears energetic blockages in one’s chi, which can be blocked for emotional, spiritual or even physical reasons. Once the body is more in balance, it’s able to do what it is designed to do. Fertility is one of the manifestations of this balanced state. The human body is meant to reproduce. Infertility is often a sign of things being off – and these days, it’s rampant.
I realize this may be out there for some of you, but I’m going to share this story anyway. One of my clients hadn’t gotten her period regularly in almost 2 years. She was in her mid-20s. Using biofeedback, I was able to determine that her lack of period was not due to a physical problem, but rather stemmed from an emotional imprint related to incident that happened when she was 13. We addressed it in the session, and she resumed her regular period THE NEXT CYCLE. And the next month, the same thing. And the next month again. She had not had back to back periods in almost 2 years. Coincidence? Perhaps. Or maybe it was just one example of how emotions are at the root cause of many physical challenges.
Many people struggling with fertility are doing just that – struggling. They are focused on the absence of baby. According to the laws of the universe, their focus on what they don’t have, is why they end up not getting it. Once you release resistance (as Abraham Hicks teaches) you open up the energetic laws that bring you what your heart desires.
It’s why so many people desperately trying to get pregnant for years, finally give up trying, and poof! They get preggers.
In any case, towards the end of the episode, a brilliant and wise woman shared her thoughts. A ray of light in the primarily negative discussion. I sat up and cheered “YES!!!!!”
Here she is:
This woman’s message is one of hope – and possibility.
The energy of fear, and what the emotion of fear does physically to the body, is powerful.
Rather than get into all of that aspect of fertility, I just wanted to share this inspiring clip that I feel all women should hear. I hope this brings some light and hope to many of you.
In accordance with my hope to share the other side, of inspiring stories of women over 40 having healthy babies, please share your story here. I’d love to get a whole list of examples to send in to his show – maybe he will do a follow up!
Have you had a baby over 40? If so, please share your inspirational story here.
I became pregnant with our 3 child at 39 and delivered her 2 months after my 40th birthday. It was considered a “high risk” pregnancy because of my age, which felt weird eveytime it was mentioned because if anything the pregnancy and delivery were easier than my previous two. Since I was a “veteran” I didn’t stress as much and actually really appreciated the entire experience. I didn’t do the amino since I knew I was going forward with the pregnancy regardless and I had a regular delivery without any complications. I think other health factors that lead to gestational diabetes and things of that sort are much more high risk that purely being over 40.
You are clearly an example of someone who didn’t buy into the concept of high risk – I know I don’t either but I would get tired of hearing the term thrown around all the time! 🙂