“A lifetime of unconscious living leads to numerous deteriorations, while a lifetime of conscious participation prevents them.”
– Deepak Chopra
This quote graced the home page of my previous web site for the last four years. It captures the essence of my life’s philosophy, and vision for this web site. While I’ve worked with adults to help them with their health, their spiritual awareness, and helped bring light to the aspects of their soul that are here to be healed, my true, true passion lies with children.
Imagine starting your journey on earth aware of the small things that make a difference in the long run. Many of my clients, upon learning what is going on with their health, realize that a few simple concepts and disciplines, done daily, may have prevented their current health concern. In vibrational medicine, physical health imbalances and diseases begin on an energetic level, eventually manifesting into a physical symptom that you then become aware of. By the time it gets to that stage, something has been “off” for many years, end even sometimes decades. That’s why it takes time to reverse a condition naturally, as it’s usually taken years to create.
Imagine knowing what you know now, or wish you knew back then, and helping your child navigate through their journey armed with a few tidbits you wish you had known. And I don’t mean some of those simple things, but I mean some fundamental core principles that can change your world. Understanding the principles of energetics, and emotion, and health, and living your life in alignment those ideas.
This is probably sounding pretty esoteric to you at this point, but hopefully this will start to make sense as these posts unfold. My prayer is that you will find something that resonates with you here, that you can find a home amongst other parents interested in similar ideas. Even if not everything is your cup of tea, hopefully you can gain insight and perspective on some new ideas.
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