I am so encouraged to see my life’s work/my passion, Conscious Parenting, beginning to not only gain momentum, but even more attention in the media.
Today, Oprah Winfrey featured the topic on her Soul Sunday show, and said about the conscious parenting approach “it is going to change the way we look at parenting.”
I am grateful to the families I have the privilege to work with, who let me into their lives, their homes, and their families, who entrust in me the opportunity to help them be closer, happier, more peaceful and content.
I know some people disagree with the principles I teach, perhaps not because they are wrong, but because they cause them to ask themselves the hard questions they may not be ready to answer. Perhaps the ideas I bring up are too far of a paradigm shift to be comfortable for most.
Like I had on the header of my website for the last almost 3 years…on every single page…..
Being a conscious parent is not about arriving at a destination…after which you have earned the title “conscious parent.” It’s not a designation to put on your resume, or a symbol of having achieved a certain level of mastery of its principles.
It’s about the commitment to the journey – and it can start on day one. You can choose TODAY to be a conscious parent.
For more about what it means to be a conscious parent, and how I have defined it for our community, visit this page.
I have temporary custody of my 7 year old granddaughter. Does the Conscious Parent book address issues concerning kids bed wetting, not properly cleaning themselves after a bowel movement, or having a bowel movement in their underwear? How should a parent handle these concerns without causing a traumatic experience for the child? I’d gladly purchase the book that will help me help my granddaughter. Thanks!