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Enough about the Time Magazine cover photo, what about the actual article?

Now that the actual Time Magazine article is out on newsstands, I wanted to share my perspective on the article, and not only about the cover. And I would love to hear yours. To sum it up, I felt as though the article itself was an unfair representation of both Attachment Parenting, and Dr. Sears. […]

Conscious Parenting: Presence and Popsicles

Our homemade fruity dessert treat A few weeks ago, a wonderful post was floating around social media circles about making your own fruity popsicle treats.  I just loved the idea and with my little culinary inclined daughter, we made these one afternoon after school. We gathered up some of our organic fruits and began slicing. […]

Hidden Food Ingredients: San Diego Channel 6 News segment

  This morning, I shared with Heather Myers the hidden food ingredients that conscious parents should be aware of when reading food labels.   What hidden ingredients are in your food?   For example, Propylene glycol – it is used in things like antifreeze, lotions, baby wipes, salad dressing, deodorant. The Material Safety Data Sheet for […]

Do smart phones and children belong together? Part 2

  As a follow up to my previous post on the topic, I thought I’d share a great article on some specific strategies for managing your child’s technology gadgets. I was first introduced to Christine Carter, and her powerful work by our mutual friends, and I absolutely love her approach to parenting.  Her book Raising […]

Conscious Parenting: Time Magazine cover good or bad for attachment parenting?

    I had a great discussion this morning on San Diego’s News 6 morning show about the controversial upcoming Time Magazine cover that features a young mom breastfeeding her 3 year old son.   How did you feel when you first saw the Time Magazine cover?   My first reaction to this photo was […]

Nutrition FAQ: Fish oil vs. flax

chrisinplymouth / Foter “I know Omega 3 EFAs are good for you and I want to include them in my regimen.  If I eat fish 2-3 times per week, do I need to take fish oil capsules, too?  Or is that just duplicating efforts?  And, is flax a better source than fish oil?” Having proper […]

Nourishing, tasty, healthy, AND convenient? Yup, it’s possible (and easy)!

With summer comes family outings, more sunshine hours, and loads of activities for the kiddos. Many parents want to just be able to grab something quickly and head out the door – without having to sacrifice quality and health, for convenience. Convenience does come at a steep price First off, we just need to realize […]

Follow up to post about posting my child’s photo on Facebook

Since I have posted this entry, I have had a flood of traffic to my post coming from people searching for “how to stop someone from posting photos of my child online.”  I have had more new visitors stumbling upon my web site from random search engine searches from this post than any other post […]