Picking your battles: A conscious parenting dilemma

Check out the video below for an example of a conscious parenting dilemma.

What I forgot to mention in the video, but is an important factor, is the fact that I don’t feel super strongly about the guideline of being 14 when you get your ears pierced.  If I felt strongly one way, this would not even be an issue up for debate.  However, because I find myself in the “mushy middle” on it, is why this particular circumstance is perplexing me at the moment.

Now that that is out of the way, here you go….




  1. yay! LOVE It! you are a natural on video … beautiful sharing of your sweet 8 year olds desires, and your contemplation of how to parent. i look forward to hearing how this unfolds ~ perhaps in your next vid? love you!

    • Awww…thanks sweet Jodi – it takes one to know one, right? You are an inspiration to us all, and I look forward to more from you also!

  2. I love your thoughts. I also am working with my son accepting when I say no, and working with myself to not always be so rigid in my decisions. Yes, my gut reaction is to be a no-means-no parent (and there is no point in asking again because I am trying to be consistant in the message I am sending you). But now I have been using a prase with my son where if he really feels strongly about it, I say “Put on your negotiating voice and let’s discuss”. It sets the expectation with him that whining about it isn’t going to change my decision, but that I am open to finding another solution if he can suggest some alternatives. Thanks for prompting these discussions.

    • Laura, what a great way to handle that situation! I love that “put on your negotiating voice” strategy. Conscious parenting is really about a partnership, with the parent having ultimate responsibility of course – however, modeling to your child that in that circumstance, there is opportunity to talk about it/negotiate. It teaches a life skill, shows you are willing to listen and that your son’s voice is important (this is vital to keeping your influence with him in the long run – I talk a lot about this in my soon-to-be-released parenting program).

      Thank you for sharing your approach – I am going to use this one myself as well. <3


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