Conscious parenting tip: Stop talking so much!

This week’s video discusses a conscious parenting approach to a common “instinct” in parents, to explain, and to “teach” our children, and why this is not the best strategy in the long run.


Do you ever think you are “talking too much?”  How have you stopped doing this in your parenting?


  1. Thank you for this tip – I need it personally because I used to think that explaining things to my children would help them understand and ‘change’ for the better. But sometimes in some occasions, I have found ‘silence’ or lesser communication to be a better teacher. Thank you once again and hope to share this video on my parenting page on Facebook at – inviting you to pass by and say Hello to us there! 🙂

    • Hi Lisha, thanks for your note. Yes, I, too….wanted to “teach” and explain things to my daughter so she would understand, instead of just saying yes or no. I’m glad that video helped you – truly understanding where a child is developmentally makes a huge difference in our parenting.

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