My daughter’s birthday gift – a shared family experience

This past spring, my daughter turned 6.  Rather than get her a present, I wanted to do something more meaningful.  It was important to me that we do something special, and create a family memory. About a month before her birthday, I explained to her that I wanted to think about something special we could […]

Children do as you DO, not what you SAY

I find it fascinating how often a parent will tell their child something, but then turn around and do the very same thing they are telling their child not to do.  I find myself falling into this same trap on occasion and try to catch myself when I do that. I watched a mom at […]

Stop marketing junk food to my child

Finally took the time today to dig into this Huffington Post article I’ve seen several times in the last few days.  I suggest reading it – not too long, but gets the point across. Check out this brief video that is featured in the article:   This is such a vital issue to the health […]

Law of attraction tip: shift the attention to the positive

  One of the struggles I face when parenting is feeling like I am saying no all the time.  I have NO problem setting a boundary (see, there it is again!  🙂 ), I just don’t want to always be SAYING the word “no.”  Even when my little one was a toddler (when that word […]

A lesson from my little one about money

The other day, my daughter and I spent the day at the San Diego Zoo.  Long story short, I ended up at home at the end of the day, just having ordered some pizza to be delivered because I was too worn out to cook, and I realized I didn’t have my ATM card.  Lost […]

Averting disaster (with a little help from the angels)

I was talking on the phone this morning with someone, and she was telling me about how she locked her keys in her car yesterday.  It reminded me of this incredible story that happened to me many years ago, when my little one was only a year old. I was getting out of the car […]

Back to school: Natural ways to build your child’s immune system

Bad news –  it’s flu season. Good news – you can do a lot to help your child’s body stay strong so they can avoid catching it. Simply put, if the immune system is strong, a person can be exposed to the flu virus, but they won’t “come down with the flu” because the immune […]

Sugar at breakfast

So this morning, my 6 year old was asking for maple syrup with her organic chicken sausage instead of ketchup (though that is not much of an improvement over the syrup in terms of sugar content).  I usually feed her a solid protein breakfast, as she’s super active and she gets a lot of sugar […]

My heart aches right now

Today was one of those moments as a parent where it just hurts.  I dropped my daughter off at summer camp at our athletic club, where she has been many times before.  All week, she has known she is going, and has voiced her displeasure of going there.  Unfortunately, both her dad and I have […]